Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sorry Sorry

I'm so Sorry Sorry that I didn't get you anything for your birthday Hsien >_<
I only could give my voice. T_T

On a totally different note...
Thanks Everybody who said my singing was nice.
I really appreciate it and it made me somewhat confident in singing....
I'll totally mention you in Korean shows >_<

Monday, September 14, 2009

This Loneliness...

Does it hurt when I backstab all of you like this?

Does it hurt when I ignore all of you?

Does it hurt when I say I'll never associate you with me again?

Well... DOES IT?!

Then think of how much I hurt when you all brush me off when I try to get criticisms from all of you for my singing.
You all know how much I want to audition for Korea.
You all know it very much.

Don't expect me to be lenient on all of you.


I resent the day I met you all.